Create an Environment of Encouragement at Home.
- Parents need to create an environment of encouragement for the child in the home.
- There should be no distractions of any sort.
- You must tell your child that he/she can do well if he decides to and has the determination and will power to study hard and smart in these remaining weeks.
Use the Language of Encouragement.
- Avoid making any negative or discouraging remarks such as:
- - “I know you will not study,” or
- - “You are wasting your time,” or
- - “You are incapable of good results.”
Instead, use only the language of encouragement such as
- - “I know you are smart and can do better,”
- - “I can help you with whatever you need,”
- - “You are more capable than you think,”
- - “You will excel if you study hard,”
- - “You can do much better than your last exams.”
Don't Compare Your Child with Other Children.
- Even if a child has done badly in a past or recent comparative exams,
- - don't compare him with others in the family or with his classmates, but
- - encourage and support him to compete with himself,
- - to improve his own previous record, and,
- - to maximize his own potential by hard work and true merit in these remaining days and weeks.
Here is a template for planning subject-wise.
Maximum possible marks for this concept in an exam (this is from the study of past papers or is an estimate made by you)
* Use a tick mark each time you revise a particular topic.
Daily Planning Template
For the Revision Work (ideally organize past papers according to topics)
Take an Interest in Your Child's Study Plans.
- Even if you don't understand the concepts,
- - get the student to share his plans with you; and,
- - take an interest in how he/she is proceeding with these plans on a daily basis.
- - This can provide support to your child and be a motivating factor for them as they know someone will be checking on their progress every day.
Provide Motivation on a Daily Basis.
- To the extent possible, parents should find time on a daily basis to encourage and motivate their child.
5 Tips
on creating an environment of encouragement at home are:
TIP 1: Always affirm your child positively. Your assurances and confidence is what he/she needs most.
TIP 2: Make sure there are no distractions and diversions at home and all noises are kept to a minimum. If others are watching TV, a student tends to waste time and accomplish little as his mind wanders off to such distractions in the home. For these coming weeks, watching TV could be eliminated if possible (for example, move the TV itself to storage). You have to sacrifice for the sake of your child's future.
TIP 3: Help your child conserve time. Time is the most limited and valuable resource in these coming days and must be utilized most efficiently. Help your child to save time from other chores and concerns in the household.
TIP 4: Working space must be ideal. An ideal spot for studies maybe a room on one's own or a quiet corner of the house along with some soft classical music in the background.
TIP 5: Helping your child succeed in the Board examination should be everyone's concern at home. Everyone in the household, from the youngest to the oldest, should support these goals. The more your home environment is conducive to learning, the more you can improve the chances of your child's success.